
Why is having a Mentor so Vital to My Success?

The Word Of The Day Is “Mentor”

When most people see the word mentor they quickly envision a wise person to guide you.

When entrepreneurs with a dream for owning business hear the word mentor they often think of someone who can show you the way.

But some entrepreneurs with a dream for owning business also think of some mentors are unapproachable (and some are not authentic).

But, when I read the word mentor, I envision a shortcut to success.

I’ve got some definite opinions about the word mentor as it comes to earning more money , particularly if you want to transform your wildest dreams into your everyday reality:

  1. It’s always easier to do something new with the help of someone who has “been there and done that”  
  2. Some people think mentors are expensive, but remember: you’ll pay for experience one way or the other
  3. Another way of saying that is “2 ways to get a mentor: seek to serve or pay to play”

In the end, if you have a mentor, you’ll reach your goals faster than without one.

Let me share how all entrepreneurs with a dream for owning business can apply this to life – decide what area you want to grow, find a person who has done it, and seek mentorship from them.


By the way, if you want to discover the secrets of successful entrepreneur and business owners and transform your wildest dreams into your everyday reality (without wasting time and money trying to figure things out on your own), I’d like to invite you to get more details about our amazing Blog post for tips – Living the Dream – at as quickly as possible.


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